We have had hundreds of messages regarding the recent outbreak of the Covid-19/Cornovirus and holidays to Magaluf, Mallorca this Summer! We spoke to a hotel owner in Mallorca and done a little research, you may be surprised with what we came up with!
"What happens is, people panic, they worry, they become fearful and with this, the majority of people will hold back on booking their holidays. Airlines, hotel owners and tour operators see a decline in sales and in a very small time-frame they drop their prices to adapt, and now bookings are on the rise again. Now is the best time to take advantage and book your holidays!"
- George Smith (Hotel Chain Owner - Mallorca)
So.. How will the Coronavirus affect your holiday to sunny Mallorca?
Well, it won't.
"Early UK bookings for Majorca are reportedly up by an average of six percent. In overall terms, 41% of early UK bookings are for the Balearics. This is the highest percentage for the main sun and beach holiday regions." - Majorca Bulletin
Some facts about the Cornonavirus!
- Over 90% diagnosed will recover.
- With the coronavirus, you won't be at high risk unless you have underlying health issues, asthma or are of old age (Majority of deaths being 80+ Years of age, with underlying health issues).
- The best way to take precautions is to wash your hands regularly with hand sanitizer or soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds. Face masks won't do much unless you already have the virus.
- Isolation and fewer commutes, as well as social events and meetings, will all help in reducing the spread, and containing the virus as soon as possible.
Conclusion: Don't worry about your holidays to Magaluf or Mallorca, follow the recommended steps in order to prevent the virus from spreading and if you haven't booked your holiday, now might not be a bad time to check prices!
Coming to Magaluf this Summer?
Checkout what Magaluf events are happening this Summer by clicking here.